Lots of beautiful pictures! It seems that summer has arrived in many regions.
Robert - Nice to see someone else trying Castilleja in the garden. They are all so beautiful, too bad that due to their hemiparasitic nature they are not easy to grow or to maintain in the garden. I've seen once in the North American Rock Garden Society Journal a most amazing garden of a lady who managed to grow lots of Castilleja species in the garden, so it is possible.
This year it is very rewarding to see Castilleja coccinea flowering in my garden for the first time - I sowed seeds 'in situ', a lot of them, and there are a few plants now. There are Deschampsia and Symphyotrichum laeve nearby, which they say are preferred hosts (grasses, Asters and few others), although I read that they can reach far away plants as hosts actually.
Other native species in flower right now: Sisyrinchium mucronatum and Tetraneuris herbacea (with Linum capitatum in the background)