I'd just like to ask this question: might it be that a M.napaulensis doesn't set seed at all?
I had it in the garden for a few years ( but just 1 plant). It grew beautiful and very healthily, a wonder, but I just didn't get one seed! So it has gone away without any possibility of renewal.
I somewhere read that the weather should generally be not too dry or warm for the meconopsis to form healthy seed. But that's almost always the case by us, so I don't understand why it went so wrong with the seeds. M.betonicifolia and M.grandis otherwise have no problems by me, but I have several plants of each.
I am at present trying again with some new young plants offered by a friend ( under M.regia, but it already looks more like a paniculata, a napaulensis, or a cross between the both) and wouldn't like to fail another harvest, if possible.
So if you have ideas, they will be welcomed!