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Author Topic: Calochortus bulbules  (Read 3662 times)


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Calochortus bulbules
« on: February 08, 2007, 08:04:39 AM »
I have from British Columbia received small bulbules of Calochortus vesta. Now I would need some input how to handle these. I am familiar with sowing of Calochortus, they usually respond well to the "put the pot outside and forget it" technique! But what about bulbules, do they have a dormancy needed to brake? How should I handle them in our north Scottish climate?
-5C and 30 cm of snow in the morning!
Per-Åke Löfdahl Bulb Enthusiast

Ian Y

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Re: Calochortus bulbules
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2007, 01:41:50 PM »
The Calochortus that I grow like a fairy dry winter, I start to give them a good soaking late February easrly March.

I would sow them good and deep in a pot of compost that is not wet but not dry either, keep them dry under glass and then water them when your temperatures start to rise in March.
Ian Young, Aberdeen North East Scotland   - 
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Re: Calochortus bulbules
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2007, 02:07:06 PM »
Thank you Ian, your suggestions seems sound to me! Thats the way I will do it!
By the way, the bulbules were received as C. vestae, and I have noticed that this name is widely used. But IPNI lists no such, they only list a C.vesta. However Kew in the world checklist of monocots:
do list it as C.vestae! So an e or not an e, that is the question!
Per-Åke Löfdahl Bulb Enthusiast


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