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Mystery volunteer flower

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Hi again all! This is my first post on the 'new & improved' forums. Lets see how I go.

This mystery flower came as a hitchhiker in a pot of Epimediums, and I decided to put them in their own pot when it came to re-potting time because they looked like Primula rosettes. But now they they are flowering, I'm not so sure. The flowers don't look very Primula-like to me, but then I have fairly limited experience with Primulas. The colour is a pretty shell pink & the flower spikes (which came out of the middle of the 20cm-wide rosettes) are fairly tall, about maybe 40cm? Or something. They are blooming now, early summer down under. There are two photos.

Thanks all! :-)


mark smyth:
It's a Verbascum sp. Welcome to the new forums

Paul T:

I'd definitely agree with mark.  And a rather nice individual it is too.  How does it "look" in the garden?  Is it thin enough that it gets lost, or does it stand out a bit amongst everything else?  I love the Verbascums, particularly the small yellow species which can reputedly become a weed in the garden.  It flowers now here and provides a welcome splash of colour.  If you are liking your little volunteer I hope it seeds and/or propagates for you so that you can enjoy it in future years.  Good Luck!!  8)

Lesley Cox:
Nice that you've joined us all Lauren. Keep it up.

Your verbascum looks like one of the large range of Verbascum phoeniceum hybrids. They come in pinks, reds, all shades of purple and I have a lovely soft pearly grey as well as white and flushed whites. They're all good and reliable and will produce copious seed, coming more or less true unless you have several colours planted together. If you dig a well established plant and leave a bit of root behind, that will sprout up too. They look best in a group of either single or mixed colours.

Hi There All,
I got this plant last Summer but the lady who gave it to me was not sure to give it a name,she tought to be a smilacina ?? I have tried to find out wich
plant it is but are not sure as yet,could it be Maianthemum.
Please help !! :) :)


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