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Will the real Narcissus 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
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Topic: Will the real Narcissus 'Julia Jane' please stand up? (Read 14062 times)
Joakim B
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Re: Will the real 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
Reply #15 on:
February 09, 2007, 10:10:48 AM »
To be fair to Paddy I also had problem seeing the difference or that it would be so big that it would be considred huge. I think it is more training then age that is the clue.
I also agree with Ann when she in her comment 131 in "galanthus February" said that snowdrops are very alike even though I can admitt to seeing more than just two types (Green and Yellow), I also see single and double.
So here I think both are right and the solution is training so that all can see the subtle differences that is the difference between good and excelent.
I am not sure I am willing to go that far, in my training, and I think I am more prone to get the differences that I might see in any snowdrops for sale as Ian did in a recent bulblog rather than the real named versions unless they are very different and comes at an affordable price.
But then again I like my narcises double and in all coulors and in the garden not under glass to a price of only 2€ per pack of five so my taste might be questionable.
Hope I did not affend both snowdroppers and narcissers
Potting in Lund in Southern Sweden and Coimbra in the middle of Portugal as well as a hill side in central Hungary
Paddy Tobin
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Re: Will the real 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
Reply #16 on:
February 09, 2007, 12:04:23 PM »
Fermi, The Eagle Eyed - well spotted. You must have legal training as you were the only one to spot the "small print".
I just had to take the opportunity to poke fun at Anne. And to clarify the situation - I am only a recent galanthophile. It was my wife, Mary, who started collecting snowdrops a number of years back. Since then her interest in gardening in general has waned a little and their care was left in my hands. Naturally they grabbed my heart and I continued to add little by little to the collection.
I also grow narcissus, especially the smaller ones that do well in the open garden. Ranvieg Wallis came to one of the (reasonably) local garden clubs two years ago, I think, and I took the opportunity to purchase a basic selection of the very small narcissus which are coming on very well in a cold greenhouse. However, I am not yet confident with them and look at the pots at the turn of the year and wonder if anything will show or not. They are coming along now and some are just coming into flower.
Of course, Julia Jane is an absolutely fabulous narcissus and one I would certainly welcome into my garden at any time.
NOW ANNE, Are you being really serious about that snowdrop. It looks to me as though someone has been at a narcissus flower with a child's colouring marker and added a few very artistic green marks to the tips. Is this a novel method of introducing new cultivars? Is this a case of 'pull the other leg, it has bells on?'
I have plans to show a good snowdrop next week, one that will attract even those who profess not to love snowdrops. At present it is just developing and should be at its full glory after a few days of good sunshine. Watch this space!
Galanthus and the hundreds of varieties: it often seems, as Chris Sanham said to me yesterday, that we can end up simply collecting names.
Last Edit: February 09, 2007, 12:07:26 PM by Paddy Tobin
Paddy Tobin, Waterford, Ireland
David Shaw
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Re: Will the real 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
Reply #17 on:
February 09, 2007, 12:30:29 PM »
Anne, you will have to bring it to Early Bulbs and put it in front of Joint Rock, then you can collect some seed for Paddy!
I agree with Paddy's last para. Occaisionally we are all guilty of buying a 'name'.
David Shaw, Forres, Moray, Scotland
Paddy Tobin
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Re: Will the real 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
Reply #18 on:
February 09, 2007, 12:49:01 PM »
Worse still is when I look at pots or in the garden and find that what I have collected is a nice selection of labels.
Paddy Tobin, Waterford, Ireland
ian mcenery
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Re: Will the real 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
Reply #19 on:
February 09, 2007, 01:00:48 PM »
Anne I knew you were an artist but had no idea that you were also good in photoshop. Lessons please
Ian McEnery Sutton Coldfield West Midlands 600ft above sea level
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Re: Will the real 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
Reply #20 on:
February 09, 2007, 01:29:31 PM »
Ah, Paddy, I also noted the small print! And, yes, I admit it I do have a mild case of white fever (only 3 or 4 dozen vars), but my levels of daff-ness are much higher!
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England
Paddy Tobin
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Re: Will the real 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
Reply #21 on:
February 09, 2007, 02:49:47 PM »
What did you say, Anne? Your level of daftness is much higher?
Hope you recover soon.
Paddy Tobin, Waterford, Ireland
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Re: Will the real 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
Reply #22 on:
February 09, 2007, 03:47:04 PM »
As a brush, Paddy.
Last Edit: February 09, 2007, 03:55:04 PM by Maggi Young
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England
Maggi Young
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Re: Will the real 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
Reply #23 on:
February 09, 2007, 03:57:22 PM »
AHA! I have been puzzling for some time for a suitable "title" for Anne, now I have it: Daff as a brush !!
This alludes to her talent as an artist, as a hybridiser and a champion of daffodills. I love it, hope it works for you, Anne?
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
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Re: Will the real 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
Reply #24 on:
February 09, 2007, 05:17:13 PM »
Works for me!
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England
Paddy Tobin
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Re: Will the real 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
Reply #25 on:
February 09, 2007, 07:51:56 PM »
Believe it or not, I have come on a source for 'Julia Jane' and now I just have to wait to see her in the flesh to be sure it is really her.
Paddy Tobin, Waterford, Ireland
Ian Y
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Re: Will the real 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
Reply #26 on:
February 09, 2007, 09:02:16 PM »
Similar discussions have been appearing elsewhere and I have been in communication with Brian Duncan and John Blanchard who gives this interesting background to Julia Jane.
'Julia Jane' is a selection from Jim Archibald's Moroccan collection JCA 805, which was a very mixed bag from Ifrane. It is by no means certain that they were "N. romieuxii without admixture of any other", by which I mean that either there may have been some hybrid influence or that N. romieuxii is a species which can show wide variations. I am not suggesting that the collected bulbs were mixed with others from another source. I once tried to get to the type locality at Itzer but failed because the track was awful and hardly fit for a 4x4 which we didn't have. We then went to the next pass at Tizi-n-Rechou and found some very weather beaten bulbocodiums which did not look to me typical of what we knew as romieuxii, but the bulbs which I collected (all in flower, I thought) turned out to be another very mixed bag. Some of the ones I saw in the wild may have looked a bit like your images but I can't be sure and I don't think I sent you any of my own collection , which would have had a JWB number. So much for history.
Ian Young, Aberdeen North East Scotland -
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Daff as a brush
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Re: Will the real 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
Reply #27 on:
February 09, 2007, 10:09:35 PM »
Thanks, Ian, I'm not sure whether that's very helpful though - I'm almost confused again! Good luck, Paddy, it took me 6 or 7 acquisitions to come up with something that matched both photos and the description in the International daffodil register.
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England
Maggi Young
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Re: Will the real 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
Reply #28 on:
February 09, 2007, 10:13:30 PM »
the description in the International daffodil register
where mention is made of the important little green bits, as I recall
Edit to add :
Last Edit: February 01, 2021, 06:26:43 PM by Maggi Young
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
Lesley Cox
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Re: Will the real 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
Reply #29 on:
February 09, 2007, 11:22:53 PM »
Yes I saw the fine print too, in Paddy's post but I thought it was the first bit of a picture that hadn't come through properly. Says it all about failing eyesight I suppose. Paddy I'm pleased you concede `Julia Jane' is beautiful. She truly is and I'm looking forward to seeing the first batch of seedlings from her this coming winter/spring. I hope there's a lot of variation and NO, I won't be distributing them as `Julia Jane,' in case anyone's worried.
I also loved Anne's Galanthcissus. Something to look for in the future. Thanks Anne.
Lesley Cox - near Dunedin, lower east coast, South Island of New Zealand - Zone 9
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Will the real Narcissus 'Julia Jane' please stand up?
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