SRGC Bulb Log Diary
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BULB LOG 42 13th October 2004

Maggi being busy

I do not need to worry about the bulbs while I am away as Maggi is busy looking after the house and the garden !!!

Crocus pulchellus

Crocus pulchellus is another autumn crocus well suited to pot or garden cultivation.

Nerine bowdenii

Nerine bowdenii is perfectly hardy in our garden even though it hails from South Africa. It is a plant that likes its bulbs sticking half out of the ground to perform well and flower. If you are planting do not bury them too deep or they will not flower until they have made their way back to the surface. This is a change as I am usually banging on about planting your bulbs deeply - there is always the exception to the rule.

Crocus banaticus

A group of Crocus banaticus flowering in one of the rock garden beds.

Crocus banaticus 'Novaks White'

In the bulb house a white form of Crocus banaticus is also flowering, this form is called 'Novaks White'.

Sternbergia lutea

Sternbergia lutea should be coming into flower about now.

Crocus asumaniae

Two collections of the delicate Crocus asumaniae flowering last year; I am hoping for more flowers when I get back.

White crocus in bed

This white crocus appeared in the bulb bed that we use as a 'home for all'. This is the bed where we stick stray bulbs after the re-pot as well as scattering seed and bulbils so anything can appear.

Crocus pulchellus 2

Finially for this week, a picture looking down into the Crocus pulchellus shown above.

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